computer Q
1. Write down the reminder in your computer account information slip that talks about spam.2. Write down the reminder in your computer account information slip that talks about copyright.3.The government would like to punish user sending spam mails by law.Do you support this suggestion?Give one reason. 顯示更多 1. Write down the reminder in your computer account information slip that talks about spam. 2. Write down the reminder in your computer account information slip that talks about copyright. 3.The government would like to punish user sending spam mails by law.Do you support this suggestion?Give one reason.
For Qs.1 & 2, do you mean that you would like to write something to remind computer users not to send junk mails or do anything that violates copyright whenever they log in? Perhaps you may say that ...Please note that spamming is prohibited and any acts against copyright are illegal. Shall we support anti-spam law?Anti-spam law is good because this can help us reduce tons of junk mails and so we don't have to waste our precious time removing those unwanted things.This article is about anti-spam law. Give you the link for your reference:http://news.gov.hk/en/category/infrastructureandlogistics/050611/html/050611en06002.htm