這是我自己寫的英文履歷表可以的話幫忙檢查,有錯請給予指教~謝謝~ RESUMEXXXXX Huang 12, Lane 123, XXX Rd. Shan Li VillageAge 20(July 21, 1989) XXX TownshipSingle, Excellent health Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C.(01) 01123456OBJECTIVEPosition in the... 顯示更多 這是我自己寫的英文履歷表 可以的話幫忙檢查,有錯請給予指教~謝謝~ RESUME XXXXX Huang 12, Lane 123, XXX Rd. Shan Li Village Age 20(July 21, 1989) XXX Township Single, Excellent health Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C. (01) 01123456 OBJECTIVE Position in the Trade Company as an Translator. QUALIFICATIONS Good university education combined with practical experience and theory in translating and study. EMPLOYMENT July 2008-Aug. 2008 XXX-XX Hot Pot, XX-XXX Yun-lin. Responsible for filling up materials and inspecting. Helped negotiate with foreign customers. July 2007-Sep. 2007 Jin-Jeng Feng Co., LTD, Lugang, Changhua To move the goods and pack for need of clients. EDUCATION 2007-Present Department of Applied Foreign Languages, XXXX University. Courses taken: English Oral Training, English Writing,Advanced Listening, Journalism English, Translation Introduction,Elementary Japanese,Practical English. 2005-2007 XXXXX High School, Changhua. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Representative to Track and Field Team, XXXXXXXXX University, 2009 SKILLS Typing, 70 wpm. Certificate of Word Processing and Accounting.
大致上是沒有問題的 建議在Skills下面加個 REFERENCES: 就是一些有可能連絡的人來證明你上面有提到的資料 格式像這樣: REFERENCES: Johnston Heights – Surrey, BC Ms. Deng Ph: 778-558-1669 Johnston Heights – Surrey, BC Ms. Oke Ph: 604-581-5500 Chong Li Secondary- Tauwan, Taiwan Mr. Wan Ph: +886-3-4979574 2009-04-05 14:25:18 補充: 上面的鎘是沒有表現得很好 主要就是 單位 - 城市,省 名子 電話 Johnston Heights – Surrey, BC Ms. Deng Ph: 778-558-1669 2009-04-05 14:26:07 補充: 單位 - 城市,省 名子 電話 Johnston Heights – Surrey, BC Ms. Deng Ph: 778-558-1669